Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Snobby Bratz of Middle School

If you are someone who is serious and does not like to read about teens, you may want to get out of my blog right now. This blog is about the popular bratz of middle school. These people must put on a pound of makeup and check their hair every 5 minutes (mainly talking about girls). Their main job is to maintain their friendship with "cool people". Failing in school does not seem a problem to them, it may seem as a problem to their parents but their children are toooo spolied and braty to be controlled. So the first step to popularness is apperence. Next is friends, these people must choose their friends wisely. These friends must be popular, bold, outgoing, and brave. Then comes character. If you are not one of those people who care about every manicured nail they have, you must change that to become the kind of girl who squeals every time they break a nail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also you have to very rude to kids considered "the uncool" or "asain nerds". The meaner you are the better they like you. At this point I am sorry to say that I must stop. Hopefully I can tell you more about these aliens after I observe the ones at my school.


  1. Well done. Welcome to the world of blog's. I enjoyed your first post. It's a world I am not familiar with. Thanks for introducing it to me.

  2. You described cool people very well. I see them in my practice everyday. To me they are not cool but ob·nox·ious.There was a time when had only good people or bad people now we have this new age of cool people. There is a male counter part, I would like you to describe them.

  3. Good post. Even in my school days, the non-achievers used to ridicule the smart people. It is easy to make fun of things that you are not capable of... A cover to hide their worthlessness. Pity them... Infact they are so uncool.

  4. wow what a good story
